We got a good rain yesterday early evening. We needed it bad, it cooled down a bit. It's been quite hot here in Michigan for past 3 weeks I'd say. Little to hot for my taste. People are always telling me don't complain you were complaining all winter. No most people complain of winter. I appreciate the cold, however I probably did complain about the amount of snow we got. I never harp on the cool weather. Anyways, we let the boy play out in the rain. He loved it.......
Well this morning I woke to some steamy windows.
It was already 80 degrees at 6am. I went out to move the car while the "non-husband" took out the garbage and then drove to work. I should explain the "non-husband" comment....we've been together 8 yrs and we're still not married. So I couldn't believe the humdity so early. Glad I work indoors, well I must get to gettin' and get ready for work. Enjoy your day, I will be daydreaming till the 5 o'clock hour, then running from that place I call work, so I can start my weekend.
My plan is to post my layouts that I completed over the weekend. While I scrap I'll be catching up on Days of our Lives that I DVR'd and True Blood season 2 arrived from Netflix.
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